Subject verb agreement is a crucial aspect of English grammar that determines the flow and clarity of sentences. It is the agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence, ensuring that they correspond in number and person. This means that a singular subject must have a singular verb, while a plural subject must have a plural verb. To help you understand subject verb agreement, here are some practice examples:

1. Singular subject and verb agreement

Incorrect: The cat chase mice in the garden.

Correct: The cat chases mice in the garden.

Explanation: The subject in the sentence is `the cat,` which is singular, so the verb `chase` should be changed to `chases,` which is singular.

2. Plural subject and verb agreement

Incorrect: The dogs barks at the mailman.

Correct: The dogs bark at the mailman.

Explanation: The subject in the sentence is `the dogs,` which is plural, so the verb `barks` should be changed to `bark,` which is plural.

3. Collective subject and verb agreement

Incorrect: The team are ready to play.

Correct: The team is ready to play.

Explanation: The subject in the sentence is `the team,` which is a collective noun representing a group of people, so the verb `is` should be used instead of `are.`

4. Subject and verb agreement with compound subjects

Incorrect: The pen and the paper was on the table.

Correct: The pen and the paper were on the table.

Explanation: The subject in the sentence is a compound subject comprising `the pen and the paper,` which are two separate things. Therefore, the verb `were` should be used instead of `was` to match the plural subjects.

5. Subject and verb agreement with indefinite pronouns

Incorrect: Somebody need to clean the kitchen.

Correct: Somebody needs to clean the kitchen.

Explanation: The subject in the sentence is `somebody,` which is an indefinite pronoun. Even though it refers to a single person, it is treated as a singular subject, requiring a singular verb, which is `needs` in this case.

In conclusion, subject verb agreement is an essential element in writing clear and coherent sentences. Hopefully, these practice examples have helped you understand how to match the subject and verb correctly. Keep in mind that proper subject verb agreement can improve the readability and credibility of your writing, making it easier for your readers to understand your message.

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