Shared Care Agreement GM MMG: Understanding the Basics

Shared care agreements are an essential aspect of patient care, and it is important to have a clear understanding of the concept to ensure quality healthcare delivery. The Greater Manchester Medicines Management Group (GM MMG) is an organization dedicated to promoting and facilitating the development of shared care agreements in Greater Manchester. In this article, we will explore the basics of shared care agreements GM MMG and their significance in patient care.

What is a Shared Care Agreement?

A shared care agreement is a formal written agreement between primary and secondary healthcare providers regarding the management of a patient`s care. The agreement outlines the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of the healthcare providers involved in the care of the patient, including the prescribing, administration, and monitoring of medication. It is designed to ensure that patients receive timely, appropriate, and safe care.

Why Are Shared Care Agreements Important?

Shared care agreements are essential because they help to overcome the boundaries between primary and secondary care settings, ensuring a coordinated approach to patient care. They promote effective communication between healthcare providers and ensure that patients receive the right treatment for their condition. Additionally, shared care agreements aid in the efficient use of healthcare resources, ensuring that limited resources are allocated appropriately and patients are not subjected to unnecessary hospital visits.

The Role of GM MMG in Shared Care Agreements

The Greater Manchester Medicines Management Group (GM MMG) is responsible for promoting and facilitating the development of shared care agreements in Greater Manchester. GM MMG acts as a forum for discussing issues related to shared care agreements and provides guidance to healthcare providers on the development and implementation of shared care agreements.

GM MMG also provides support to healthcare providers in Greater Manchester by providing training on shared care agreements and helping to establish effective local processes. The group ensures that healthcare providers in Greater Manchester are aware of the latest developments in shared care agreements and are up-to-date with best practices in patient care.


Shared care agreements GM MMG are an essential aspect of promoting quality patient care. They help to ensure that patients receive timely, appropriate, and safe care, and also aid in the efficient use of scarce healthcare resources. GM MMG plays a crucial role in promoting and facilitating the development of shared care agreements in Greater Manchester. Healthcare providers in Greater Manchester must work together to develop effective shared care agreements to ensure that patients receive the best possible care.

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