Asking questions for agreement is a vital skill for anyone involved in business negotiations, interviewing, or even personal relationships. These questions are designed to establish common ground and build a foundation of trust and understanding between two parties.

Here are some questions to ask for agreement:

1. «Do we agree that our ultimate goal is to ____?»

This type of question helps establish a shared vision for the project or negotiation. By finding common ground at the outset, you can prevent misunderstandings and disagreements down the line.

2. «Can we agree on a timeline for completion?»

This question is crucial for ensuring that both parties are on the same page when it comes to deadlines. Establishing clear expectations upfront can help prevent delays and minimize stress.

3. «What are your thoughts on this approach?»

Asking for someone`s thoughts and opinions is a great way to build rapport and show that you value their input. This type of question can also help you identify potential issues or roadblocks before they become major problems.

4. «Is there anything else we need to consider before moving forward?»

By asking this question, you demonstrate that you are open to feedback and willing to address any concerns that the other party may have. This can help build trust and foster a collaborative relationship.

5. «Can we agree on a contingency plan in case things don`t go according to plan?»

Establishing contingency plans can help alleviate anxiety and uncertainty. By having a backup plan in place, you can ensure that both parties feel confident moving forward even in the event of unexpected challenges.

Overall, questioning for agreement is an important tool in any negotiating or business communication tool kit. By establishing common ground, building rapport, and addressing concerns upfront, you can foster a positive, productive relationship with your counterparts.

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